"You face Jaraxxus, Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion!"
Hi, what are you looking for?
The infamous tri-class Legendary minion from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion, Kazakus, makes his return in the upcoming Forged in the Barrens as...
"You face Jaraxxus, Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion!"
The sands of time will be even more inescapable as brand-new Legendary minion, Nozdormu the Eternal, joins Hearthstone‘s Core Set. Old school Hearthstone players...
The Druid and Shaman classes gain a brand-new Legendary in Hearthstone‘s Scholomance Academy that appears to be a tauren centaur of some sort? A...
If Hearthstone‘s upcoming Scholomance Academy expansion is an homage to Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series, then here’s Hearthstone‘s...
Much like many of the other Legendary minions revealed thus far in Hearthstone‘s Scholomance Academy expansion, such as the mighty Headmaster Kel’Thuzad himself, Instructor...
Could Soulciologist Malicia, a new Demon Hunter and Warlock dual-class Legendary minion on its way in Hearthstone‘s Scholomance Academy be meta-defining? At first glance,...
“I am the Keymaster … Are you the Gatekeeper?” Now that we’ve gotten that unrelated Ghostbusters quote, here’s Keymaster Alabaster, the latest neutral Legendary...
“Ooh, it takes some real stones to challenge the Mistress of Illusion. Well? Show me what you’ve got!” The illusionist mistress of World of...
Ras Frostwhisper, one of Kel’Thuzad’s favorite pupils, among the first to join the Cult of the Damned and a rogue human wizard who let...
“What, may I ask, are you doing here? Put on your student’s attire, and study!” Vectus, a human spellcaster who eventually becomes a skeletal...
A creative neutral weapon that helps with card draw? What is this, Magic: The Gathering? Sphere of Sapience This is what it sounds like...
Talk about a crazy Battlecry effect. Enter one of Hearthstone Scholomance’s quirkiest new Legendary minions, Lorekeeper Polkelt, whose Battlecry flip flops the user’s deck...