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5 Hidden Loot Locations in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1

The importance of loot cannot be understated in Fortnite. Grabbing better guns (preferably of the legendary and rare variety) and other gear will enhance your chances of victory. There are many loot locations on the Chapter 6 map where you can crack open numerous chests, and some are quite well hidden. These are five hidden loot locations on the Chapter 6 map that are worth checking out.

The Nightshift Forest Vault

The Nightshift Forest vault is one of the best loot locations on the Chapter 6 map. This hidden loot location is one of two vaults on the Chapter 6 map, for which you need to grab a Sprite to enter. To access this vault, first go to the Nightshift Forest location, clearly marked on the map, and pick up a Sprite you find there. I recommend landing at Nightshift Forest at the start of a match to ensure you can enter the vault before other players.

Next, find the Bushranger NPC at one of the ritual locations in Nightshift Forest, circled on the map below. Bushranger randomly spawns at one of three alternative locations in Nightshift Forest. If you don’t find him at one location, go to the other two spots he spawns.

When you find him, speak to the Bushranger NPC with a Sprite at hand. Select the “Show item” dialogue option to reveal your Sprite. The Bushranger will give you the Solunar Key when you show him the Sprite.

If the Bushranger doesn’t give you the Solunar Key, another player has already opened the vault. However, you can still go to the open vault to collect leftovers. You might even find another player there opening the chests!

Go to the vault entrance that’s directly opposite the temple building in the approximate center of Nighshift Forest (circled in the screenshot below). Select to hold the key and walk down the stairs leading to the circular vault entrance. Press E (if a PC player) to open the vault entrance door.

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You will now enter a vault loaded with loot. There you’ll find two Elemental Chests containing high-tier gear. Plus, there are four more rare chests for you to open alongside some Slurp Juice barrels for shield and health replenishment.

The Underground Loot in Magic Mosses

Magic Mosses is a forest on the Fortnite Chapter 6 map that includes two hidden loot locations, both of which are underground. You can reach the first underground loot location by going to the structure in the middle of a triangle of buildings in Magic Mosses, circled on the map below. There appears to be little there at first glance.

However, hacking through the wooden floorboard reveals a chest beneath it. Open that chest, and then hack through the second wooden floorboard to fall into the water of an underground cave. That cave includes a collection of standard chests, ammo boxes, and Slurp Juice barrels.

You can exit that cave by going in the porta-pottie inside it. Entering that porta-pottie will whisk you away to a nearby ground-level one in Magic Moses. However, you can’t enter the cave via the ground-level porta-pottie.

The Vault in Magic Mosses

This hidden vault location is an extension of the underground loot cave in Magic Mosses. That underground cave includes a vault you’ll need a Sprite to open. Find and pick up a Sprite in the Magic Mosses forest area (or anywhere else will do).

When you have a Sprite, go to the underground loot location in Magic Mosses by hacking through the wooden floorboard, as covered above. Then, walk in front of the vault door in that cave in between the two turtle statues, when holding the Sprite. The vault door will then open revealing one standard chest you can open.

To enter the rest of the vault, hack through the stone with your pickaxe. That vault includes a couple of Elemental Chests and a rare one. You can also top up your health and shield with the Slurp Juice barrels there.

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Hidden Loot at Pumpin’ Pipes

Pumpin’ Pipes is a landmark in the northeastern section of the Chapter 6 map that includes a secret gnome hideout that’s quite well hidden. To find it, go to the hole in the ground behind the Pumpin’ Pipes building at the map location circled directly below. Then, slide down the rope to enter a gnome room filled with loot.

Don’t forget to open the Elemental Chest hidden in that room. Hack down the light blue wall with the up arrow on. Then, you can open an Elemental Chest alongside a standard one behind that wall.

Hidden Loot Under the Mountain

This hidden loot location under the mountain doesn’t include as many chests as the others above. However, it’s still good to know about because there are three standard chests to open here. The Slurp Juice barrels here are also useful for health and shield replenishment.

To access this hidden loot spot, go to the hole in the mountain directly west of Masked Meadows at the location highlighted below. Fall through that hole by sliding down the rope. Walk forward slightly and look at the cargo crate to your right.

Hack away the cargo crate, shown in the screenshot below, to reveal a hole in the ground. Fall through that hole to enter a tunnel. Walk toward the end of the tunnel to reach the three chests and Slurp Juice.

Those five hidden loot locations in Fortnite Chapter 6 are great places to grab more gear. The secret vaults in Nightshift Forest and Magic Mosses are the best-hidden locations for grabbing higher-tier weaponry. However, the other loot locations are also good spots for opening chests whenever you’re near them.

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