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Fortnite Star Wars skins and lightsaber weapons returning for May 4th

Epic Games is celebrating Star Wars Day in 2022 in a big way: Fortnite Star Wars skins and lightsaber weapons are being unvaulted for the May 4th holiday, with the former being available in the item shop until May 17th. The Fortnite Star Wars skins that will be available in the item shop include every single Star Wars skin that wasn’t part of a Battle Pass, which include the Imperial Stormtrooper, Kylo Ren, Boba Fett and Rey outfits.

The full list of Fortnite Star Wars skins being reintroduced to the game starting May 4th are as follows:

  • Imperial Stormtrooper
  • Kylo Ren
  • Zorii Bliss
  • Finn
  • Rey
  • Sith Trooper
  • Boba Fett
  • Fennec Shand
  • Krrsantan

Epic Games

In addition to once again brandishing lightsabers, the trademark weapon of the Jedi (which will come in the Luke Skywalker green, Kylo Ren crossguard red, Mace Windu purple and classic blue varieties), players will also have the chance to wield the E-11 Blaster Rifle, which can be obtained from Chests and even in exchange for Bars from Stormtroopers, who have set up checkpoints all around the island in search of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Stormtroopers will also be the theme of the new Star Wars-themed quests, which will put players through “Stormtrooper training,” and include such tasks as appropriating landspeeders, obtaining “Jedi contraband,” and more. The Fortnite Star Wars-themed quests will reward experience points and ultimately, an Empire Banner.

What do you think of the return of the Fortnite Star Wars skins and weapons to celebrate May 4th, 2022? Which Fortnite Star Wars skins will you be copping? May the 4th be with you this Wednesday, Loopers.

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Written By

Ninja Gaiden was my rite of passage at an early age. After finally beating that game (and narrowly dodging carpal tunnel) I decided to write about my gaming exploits. These days I enjoy roguelikes and anything Pokemon but I'll always dust off Super Mario RPG, Donkey Kong Country and StarFox 64 from time to time to bask in their glory.

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