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Metroid: Space Pirate cosplay by Dan Cattell

This in-game Space Pirate from Super Metroid by Dan Cattell is one of the most ingenious cosplays we’ve ever seen. You know how you felt the first time you saw that video of the little kids with fully functional and transforming Transformers Halloween costumes? That’s how we feel right now, only twice as bamboozled/amazed.

The official description of the Space Pirates, per Wikitroid:

Sometimes dubbed “Ninja Pirates”, they are stationed in Ridley’s Hideout several rooms before Samus fights Ridley, essentially making them his guards.

Can we add Wizard to the equation? Because Dan’s a Ninja Pirate Wizard for pulling off a cosplay this amazing.

The following video depicts Dan in the cosplay contest at Monster-Mania Con. He tied for an award in the “creative” category.

Space Pirate vs. Justin Bailey. Where’s Ridley at, though?

Rey isn’t gonna like this.

Batman wants the Space Pirates to stay out of Gotham City.

Metroid: Space Pirate vs Zero Suit Samus.

“Clever girl.”

Can the Hero of Time, Link, keep the Space Pirates from overrunning Hyrule?

Some videos of the Metroid: Space Pirate in action.

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Turning footage with a cameo by @minjibabe Video by: @chongahn Check me out in his YouTube music video. Next stop, #dragoncon! This footage is managed exclusively by If you wish to license this footage please contact For more viral videos check here #spacepirate #Spacepiratecosplay #Zebesian #Metroidcosplay #Metroid #cosplay #cosplayer #costume #samus #samusaran #snes #supermetroid #supernintendo #Nintendo #zss #samuscosplayer #samusarancosplay #samusarancosplayer #otakon #otakoncosplay #otakon2018 #Nintendocosplay #nintendocosplayer #retrogaming #videogame #zerosuitsamus #zerosuitsamuscosplay #zerosuit #zerosuitcosplay @nintendo @otakonpics

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Been looking for costume contest footage from @monstermaniacon (I was a winner!) and this is one of the best angles of my costume. Everybody was so friendly and personable at this con! Hung out with demogorogon in the parking lot for a bit afterward. Video by @thehorrorbox #joker #jokercostume #jokercosplay #thejoker #thejokercosplay #batman #othermother #othermothercosplay #coraline #coralinecosplay #zombierabbit #demogorgon #demogorgoncosplay #strangerthings #strangerthingscosplay #strangerthingscostume @nintendo #monstermaniaconvention #Spacepiratecosplay #Metroidcosplay #Metroid #cosplay #costume #monstermania #supermetroid #monstermaniacon #Nintendocosplay #retrogaming #monstermania40 #mmc40 #monstermaniacon40 #monstermaniaconvention

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Not even the planet Drakulon is safe from the Metroid: Space Pirate.

Some Space Pirates get all the luck.

A side-by-side comparison of cosplay vs. game.

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@thegeekygamergirlcosplay asked me to do a cosplay vs game challenge. Let me know if you can figure out which is which. 🤣 @otakonpics photo shared to me by @aufiero.brian Challenging: @corvusdepastel @minjibabe and @proninja7 (And anyone else! Just tag me to let me know.) The screen grab has 1:1 pixels, which is incorrect for Super Metroid, which is designed for 4:3 tvs. #supersmashbros #spacepirate #Spacepiratecosplay #pirate #Metroidcosplay #Metroid #cosplay #cosplayer #costume #smashbros #cosplayoftheday #snes #supermetroid #supernintendo #Nintendo #ssbu #gamingcosplay #supersmashbrosultimate #otakon #otakoncosplay #otakon2018 #Nintendocosplay #igdaily #retrogaming #cosplaycomparison #epiccosplay #cosplayoftheday #cosplayersofinstagram #alien #cosplaycomparison #aliencosplay #aliencostume

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Space Pirates of the Caribbean.

Looks like the Metroid: Space Pirate found its way to the Mushroom Kingdom. This can only be settled by a Ridley vs. Bowser Super Smash Bros. Ultimate match. Mario takes winner.

Or maybe even Mega Man could step in to join the battle royale.

Looks like the Space Pirate has made himself a target; every Samus cosplayer around is looking to take him out at this point.

Check out more of Dan’s Metroid: Space Pirate cosplay at his Facebook page.

RELATED:  The amazing video game cosplay of Alyson Tabbitha
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Retbit is an independent online publication forged with one prevailing notion: a love of video games, past, present and future.

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