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Maximum Effort: How to play as Deadpool in Fortnite BR

You’ve seen Thanos, the Avengers, Harley Quinn and Batman crossover into Fortnite — now get ready for what has the potential to be the most intense and irritating guest appearance of them all…

The metatextual Merc with a Mouth himself, Deadpool. Hopefully you’ve been careful with your wall placement lately in Fortnite BR, because Wade Wilson’s ready to break down some of them; more specifically the 4th one. Are you ready to play as the Regeneratin’ Degenerate?

How to unlock Deadpool in Fortnite

To unlock the Deadpool skin you’ll have to own a Battle Pass and then complete the Deadpool-oriented challenges for Week 7 (according to Epic, you won’t have to complete the Deadpool challenges from prior weeks to unlock the skin).

More specifically, you’ll have to find his Mythic Dual Hand Cannons and deliver them to him. You’ll find Wade on the Yacht, which he’s commandeered. He’ll even give you a free new Lobby track (as well as some quick-witted remarks) for your delivery.

The skin itself may be unlockable through Battle Pass but there are extras you can obtain from the shop with V-Bucks. These include Deadpool’s Meat Mallet pickaxes, Dragacorn Glider and a few emotes — one which revolves around none other than Deadpool’s favorite foodstuff: chimichangas.

Note: If you’re among the players who can’t unlock Deadpool because your Week 7 challenges are missing, Epic is working to fix the problem.

What do you think of the Deadpool skin in Fornite BR? And whose b—- did Deadpool fondle to get his very own Fortnite skin?

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Written By

Ninja Gaiden was my rite of passage at an early age. After finally beating that game (and narrowly dodging carpal tunnel) I decided to write about my gaming exploits. These days I enjoy roguelikes and anything Pokemon but I'll always dust off Super Mario RPG, Donkey Kong Country and StarFox 64 from time to time to bask in their glory.

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